Life is a rose. Every person is a rose. The fact is that a rose bears thorns that people sometimes do not want to accept because of the pain it carries. Life is beautiful if we live each day in harmony with ourselves, with God, with others, and with the nature. This means that I have to accept my weaknesses since I am not perfect. Also, accepting others is a great task.When respecting people´s opinions, I am respecting the thorn. It is the fact of listening to others even when I am not in agreement with them. For instance, if I am trying to handle a relationship with my girlfriend, I must accept her with her talents and weaknesses. It is not fair to love her only in good moments.
In order to be successful in our lives, it is necessary to overcome many barriers. A human being might have very difficult moments in life, but once he or she has accepted the good and bad things about it, that person is ready to live happily and share with others, believe in God´s Love and take care of nature.
Your posting is very inspiring!